Thursday, December 25, 2008

End of the year message.

It had been a dark year, darker of sorts. A year when money shown its true color. A year when violence reached new level of maturity.

It has been a tumultuous year for me, from the very beginning itself. I January when grandpa got seriously ill. In June and July when my previous google account was hacked, and adding on to it I was unable to get a training. In september when I got myself a training with a telecommunications mnc. And in december when I came to getting fired. It has been a tumultuous year.

Yes, I can be accused of not being regular at blogging, but can't help it, I am lazy like this only. Since my last post there were many thing that could be shared, but as ususal, I was me, lazy like anything. But yes, if I am able and in mood, I would share then, with the words retrospectively.

Till then wishing you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

1 comment:

Mridula said...

Hey there, time for a post in 2009?