Groucho Marx once quipped "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it is too dark to read." I agree, really its too dark. And this dog is an item itself, he seldom barks. A thief would come and steal everything and he wouldn't even sneeze, not that he is cowardly, but he is too pampered. He doesn't belongs to me, he belongs to one of our neighbors (cum relatives). And being to their home innumerable times (and even at times when they are out for a tour or some work), I can fairly say, he is harmless. Though he has grown old now, this picture was taken on July 12,2009.
Nice dog
In picture he looks cute but I am so scared of them-
@ Sush...thanks
@ Mridula...:) he is harmless, that i am sure of...and he is really cute and pampered..
ya the dog looks pretty strong and watchful in the pic ;)
I love dogs so I totally liked the pic and the write up. Dogs are so loyal and sincere. They stand by you in good times and bad, always ready to console you or play with you. Can't expect friends or even family to be as sincere in today's times:)
@ Megha...he was strong..but still very good dog...
@ Sanand..Dogs are loyal...whenever I meet him I always tell him not to lick me and he doesn't instead..he is move around my legs just to get pampered..
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